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Super Mario World: Story, Gameplay and Worlds. This article is about the video game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. For other uses, see Super Mario World (disambiguation). “SMW” redirects here. For information about the game known as “Super Mario Wii” in South Korea, see Super Mario Galaxy. Not to be confused with Super Mario Land or Super Mario 3D World. Super Mario World is a 2D Mario platform game and a launch title released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1990, developed by Nintendo EAD. Being a sequel to Super Mario Bros. 3, the game retains many of the elements that debuted in Super Mario Bros. 3, such as the world map and Koopaling boss fights, while introducing a large variety of new gameplay mechanics, such as an expanded and less linear world map and the ability to save the game. Introduced in Super Mario World is Mario’s sidekick, Yoshi (and his species that shares his name), where he serves as a playable mount for the Mario Bros. with his own unique abilities and gameplay style. 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Aさん: ネム、リップル、草コインは放置。全体で当初の投資額の10分の1くらいになったと思います。 Bさん: なんか、空気がどんよりしてきた…。私は500万円分あったリップルが、いまは150万円分くらいになっていると思います。他のコインに投資した100万円くらいは、まあなくっているんじゃないかな…。もはや、取引所のIDとパスワードですら覚えていない。 Cさん: IDとパスワード忘れるのはやばいよ。


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Moreover, they won’t be ready to come across out your genuine site, for the reason that to other people it will seem like you are in which the VPN server is . So by applying a VPN your on-line action will no for a longer period be connected to your individual IP handle . This way you can look through the web with more anonymity. Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments » Final Feminization : Fiction, Anal, Blowjob, Coercion, Cuckold, Domination, Female Domination, Hardcore, Masturbation, Transsexual, Transvestite, Voyeurism. Cloud awoke from a long sleep in a haze of daze and confusion. His eyes had barely begun to open when they closed involuntarily in painful surprise. Wherever he was now, it was bright and sunny and warm. Nothing like the dark city of Midgar and the slums below it. He was not used to the brightness. Combined with his headache and nausea, it took him a while to adjust. As his mental fog began to lift, he sat up and surveyed his surroundings. To say that he was taken aback would be an understatement. Not only was it a beautiful day, he could smell the sea in the air. From the large canopy bed where he was sitting, Cloud saw a set of doors and windows that led to a wooden platform. Beyond that, the ocean stretched out. The waves lapped gently against the massive beams that supported the villa. Wherever he was, the rent was not cheap. This looked like some kind of fancy vacation home. His new location was not the biggest surprise. What really took him by surprise was the clothes he was wearing. His SOLDIER uniform was gone. His giant Buster sword was nowhere to be seen. All of his stuff had been confiscated. Cloud examined his well-toned, medium-complexioned body from top to bottom. He was wearing a dress; and not just any dress, but a dress with which he was intimately familiar. The deep blue corset was tied around his abdomen tightly. The silky black dress was wrapped around his shoulders, neck, and legs. His elegant skirt flowed down let me jerk to his ankles. Fishnet stockings and sleeves covered his limbs. He had only worn a dress once in his life, before now, and this was it. Even the gold jewelry placed around his neck was the same. The necklace’s large purple gem hung down to the dress’s opening on his chest. At least he wasn’t wearing hair extensions. The first time he wore this outfit, they added long braids to it to match his wild, spiky blonde hair. The braids had been finished in pink ribbons and his limbs were accented with black ruffles. Then there was all the makeup and nail polish. At that moment, Aerith was beside herself, elated with emotion. As long as he lived, Cloud would never understand what it was that the flower girl found so attractive about his brief episode of circumstantial cross-dressing. How had he come to be so far from Midgar? And wearing the same outrageous outfit he had once donned to save Tifa? Cloud thought again, focusing on the last memory of him before the world went black. He and his friends had fled the Shinra building after fighting a dozen brutal battles and emerging victorious. He had defeated Rufus on the roof of the Shinra Tower. Everything was going according to plan until AVALANCHE’s helicopter was shot down, preventing their extraction. They had stolen vehicles and fled through the roads of Midgar. They were almost safe and then… they had an ambush! A pair of double doors opened and the architect of his fall entered. Cloud had never spoken to her before, but he would recognize her signature porn eff red dress and haughty expression anywhere. It was Scarlet, the Director of Shinra’s Advanced Weapons division. The front of her dress featured her huge milky-white weapons prominently. Most of her shoulder length hair was pulled back in an elegant chignon. The rest of her slid down the left side of her head in a golden wave. Her heels hit the ground hard until she stopped a few feet away. She seemed like she didn’t fear Cloud at all, despite the damage she had done to the organization that employed her. Her diamond-encrusted earrings sparkled. The emerald pendant nestled between her massive door knockers gleamed in the sunlit room. Her ruby ​​red lips pursed and he murmured a guttural laugh as she placed her hands on her broad hips. “Hello, bitch boy. Welcome to the Costa del Sol!” Cloud’s hands clenched into fists. His deep blue, mako-infused eyes gleamed with anger. “My name is Cloud Strife.” Scarlet snickered, amused to see a man in such an easily teased dress. “I know who you are,” she said pointedly before turning and heading to the room’s private bar. She started to mix herself a cocktail, acting as if she didn’t need any further explanation from her. She would normally call a servant, but she didn’t want to spoil the mood. This was the time to establish a relationship with her new pet. “WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS. Why am I here? And wearing this… outfit. ” “Calm down,” she said as she added crushed ice to her glass and mixed her drink. “Your friends are safe. For now.” “What do you mean by now?” “I mean,As long as you don’t do anything stupid, it’ll stay that way,” she answered, staring at porn 300 the young man. “They’re back to living their lives in Midgar. I’m assuming the man with the gun and the barmaid are trying to rebuild your little terrorist cell. . The flower whore is back in our custody. She will be well treated as long as you cooperate.” Cloud took a step forward, furious. “Don’t talk about Tifa and Aerith like that!” “I’ll talk about those bitches however I want! It would be wise not to take my bad side. I could have your little AVALANCHE friends in a Shinra detention center whenever I want. Especially now that you are no longer there to guide them. And I don’t need to tell you what Hojo wants to do to Aerith. Cloud gritted his teeth. “What do you want?” Scarlet added a miniature straw and a small umbrella to her drink. She came out from behind the bar and took a sip of her cocktail before answering. “It is not obvious? I want you. That’s why you’re here and you look your best.” The mercenary examined her silk and lace clad body from top to bottom. He was starting to get an idea. He looked from side to side shyly, not knowing what to say next. Scarlet gave a guttural laugh before taking another sip of her drink. She studied her feminized sex toy of hers with mounting lust. “Let me explain it to you, you fucking SOLDIER! You thought you were taking Shinra down, but all you did was advance my career. My title is still Madam Director, but soon it will be Madam President”. “President? You? I’m pretty sure Rufus will have a problem with that. He should be in charge xnxx porn now that the old man is dead.” “Hmmm, yes, he is right now, but not for long! I am taking steps to bring that cocky little boy under my control. He is being dosed with the same drugs that you have been given.” “Drugs? What drugs. ” Cloud asked reflexively. That explained the nausea when he woke up. “It’s not important,” Scarlet said lightly before downing the rest of her drink. She set the glass aside on the bar before turning to Cloud. She stepped forward and parked her tall, curvaceous body just two feet from him. Scarlet looked deep into his eyes and spoke in her coldest, most authoritative voice. “Kneel down” she ordered. Cloud couldn’t believe it, but she began to kneel as soon as the word registered in her mind. She briefly considered resisting, but the very thought of her sent a slight shock through her nervous system. The pain corrected him and he moved on, doing as he was told. Scarlet’s smile widened. “Excellent. Looks like I won’t even need your friends for insurance much longer.” Open your mouth, Cloud, and throw your hands up like a dog. She gritted her teeth and tried to defend herself, but it was no use. Her body convulsed slightly in painful jerks porn tsunami until she opened her mouth wide and raised her hands like dog legs. The silky black ruffles around his wrists created feminine flourishes, making him feel even more foolish and embarrassed. The Domina in red began to caress herself up and down the front of his dress. Cloud’s eyes widened as he noted the growing bulge in front of the flowing fabric. He wasn’t small either. What the hell is going on. “Ah, yes. It’s time I introduced you to the latest development in Shinra weapons technology. One that I’ve had the bio lab guys working on for a long time. I’m going to test it extensively and you’re here to help me with it.” it’s”. The lump continued to grow. As his heavy wand strained against her long skirt, Scarlet began to remove her dress. She unzipped her garish red garment and tossed it aside. A huge, long, thick, veiny cock came out and aimed at Cloud. The colossal meat club twitched, its thick shaft and mushroom head growing fatter by the second. The beautiful blonde was naked apart from a red bikini. Her thin straps barely covered her erect nipples and cradled the large scrotum beneath her. Scarlet masturbated with long lascivious strokes; her cock aimed directly at Cloud’s still open mouth. She smiled devilishly as she pumped fifteen inches of fucking meat that wasn’t fully erect yet. Cloud’s eyes were fearful, wondering how much bigger he would get. “Lick my balls, bitch,” she ordered. The cruel woman took another step forward and Cloud leaned on her crotch anxiously. He began turkish hd porn licking, licking and drooling her fat, meaty balls with an enthusiasm that mortified him. Cloud blew a hot breath across the smear of him and exhaled low moans as he coated his semen factories in long, wet swaths. Scarlet spoke in an excited and breathy tone as she enjoyed oral worship from her. “Yes, I will do a lot of testing in the coming months and years. You’llbe very busy. You and Rufus, eventually. I bet she would look good in a dress too. Maybe it will make you two kiss and make up! From now on you will be lovers, not fighters. You can take turns eating my ass while the other sucks my dick. Doesn’t that sound lovely? Scarlet pulled her scrotum out of her sucking mouth and pointed her fully swollen super-phallus towards her soft lips. She took him in one hand and began slapping him on the side of the face, teasing him with it. Cloud looked at her expectantly, her mouth falling open in anticipation. “Yeah, that’s a good boy. Don’t fight it. He accepts your new instincts! You want this dick, right, Cloud? SAY IT!” “Please feed me your cock, Miss Scarlet!” “Hands behind your back, bitch! Hold them tight behind you. And you will call me Mistress Scarlet from this moment on! Now where do you want this dick? She hurriedly clasped her hands together behind him. “In my mouth and down my throat, Mistress! Please. ” “I like it better that way, you fucking bitch.” Scarlet pushed her fat head between Cloud’s luscious sucking lips and her hips thrust forward firmly. A train of thick, moldy cock entered her mouth. She widened Cloud’s lips a little more with every second until a third of her length was buried in her face and her glans was pressing into the entrance of her throat. She chuckled pleasantly and took handfuls of her thick blonde hair as she began to slide his missile of meat in and out of her willing pussy-mouth. “Intel provided me with a recording of his performance at the Honey Bee Inn. That’s why you’re my new cocksucking slave, in case you were wondering. They certainly indian porn videos did a good job beautifying you. I think the soldiers who dressed you today wanted a shift with you, to be honest. But how bad for them! You are my personal whore. Scarlet pressed to her mouth more insistently, the tip of her cock digging into her throat with each thrust. Cloud murmured around the length of her pleasantly. Her lips slurped loudly as phlegm and precum began to pool in her full mouth. “I also saw how excited the flower whore was! She was beaming when she saw you in a dress. I bet they’re still trying to clean the wet stain she left on the seats. You know what that means, right? You would have been a whore eventually, anyway. That girl wanted to bend you over and fuck your ass with the biggest belt she could find on Wall Market! But sadly that will never happen, because you are developing a taste for the real thing. Isn’t that right, bitch? Cloud looked at his new Mistress with loving eyes. She was shoving more of her acrid pipe into her sizzling mouth by the second. Cloud couldn’t deny that she loved every minute of it. “YPPHHH MPPPHHRRPPHHH. ” “Yes, I know you are… a disgusting bitch. Recording unit, start filming! Focus on me!” A small electronic device located on a shelf about twenty feet away rose into the air and approached the mating couple. He hovered tube safari close to her, her lens focused on Scarlet’s face as she continued to thrust her hips forward and fill the eager bitch-boy’s face with more and more cock. “Hey, flower fox! I thought you might be alone in your cell and missing your boyfriend, so let’s film something to keep you entertained. Don’t worry, your cute little bodyguard is fine! Better than ever, in fact! I’m going to take good care of him while you help with our investigation. I hope you enjoy the show! Recording unit, focus on Cloud.” The floating camera slid down and zoomed in on Cloud’s face. His misty blue eyes flicked back into the lens as Scarlet seized her hair in a death grip and began fucking her mouth with all her might. More than half the obscene length of her was now sucking in and out of Cloud’s lips with wet strokes. His tongue lovingly caressed the underside of his huge schwanz as aggressive Goddess Futa moaned in pleasure. A sticky mixture of phlegm and precum slipped from Cloud’s lips and dribbled from his nose as Scarlet grunted and moaned and neared climax. *GRRRLLLKKK GRRRLLLKKK GWWWOOOK GWWWWOOOK GWWWUUUKK GWWWUUUUKK GAAAAAKKKK GAAAAKKKK* The crazed headmaster nailed him with abandon as Cloud clung to his powerful legs for his life. Foamy saliva spilled over his dress as the eager femboy gladly gagged on his mega-cock. Scarlet moaned in ecstasy as she nearly bottomed out in his tunnel of wet, sucking flesh. Her fat sack slammed into her chin with each aggressive thrust as the camera captured Cloud’s utter humiliation. “TAKE IT! TAKE ALL MI PASSIVE LITTLE COCK-SUCKLING BITCH. ” Scarlet pulled her face to the end of his swollen semen tube. Her stretched lips sucked on her pubis as her huge balls jiggled just below her chin. The Dominatrix cried out in climax and her body shuddered as her scrotum tightened and thick ropes of semen spurted from the tip of her. The creamy semen backed up quickly, flowing into her mouth, swelling her cheeks, spurting from her lips and out her nose as she filled the feminized boy’s toy with a gooey girl’s cream. He gurgled around her phallus as she vomited. Her hot, corpulent shaft writhed in her mouth as she spat ever more gelatinous walnut down her clogged throat. The true benefit of having a mako-infused sex slave was now in plain sight. Scarlet’s biotech mega-cock produced semen in quantities that would choke most bottoms, but she would never have to worry about that with Cloud. A SOLDIER’s ability to resist and recover was the stuff of legends. The other SOLDIERs’ days of being anything but dumping grounds for semen for a ravenous Futa ruling class were numbered. Soon, everyone india porn vids would be like Cloud. Biologically enhanced sex servants and brainwashed women who could afford Shinra’s new endowments. The camera focused on Cloud as he swallowed obediently. Her eyes rolled back as Scarlet sheathed his cock down her throat and continued to freak out for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, she pulled her throbbing sex wand from her semen-smeared passageway and painted her face with the last of her emissions. Thick, sticky ropes rained down on the once tenacious fighter. He licked his mouth happily as he gulped down the rest of his spicy paste. Her lips parted in a beaming smile as Scarlet decorated her feminized body with semen. The shimmering submissive opened his mouth once more to catch any lucky strand of delicious seed that might strike her tongue. In that moment, Cloud began to understand the glorious future he had helped unleash. In truth, the Ancients were no longer needed. The Cetra and their prophecies could be left in the dustbin of history. Mrs. Scarlet had a plan for a new and better Promised Land. It all started here. Aerith lay on her bunk, stroking her soaking wet cunt as the brightness of the monitor was projected onto her naked body. It was the only light in the otherwise dark cell. Cloud and Scarlet’s groans and moans of happiness erupted from the screen’s speakers. His depraved sex party had been going on for over an hour. She watched as the powerful and strangely gifted Futa plowed her ex-boyfriend’s ass into oblivion. Shinra’s new biotechnology gave Scarlet amazing stamina. Far bigger than any man could hope to achieve. Aerith had already come twice from watching the cruel headmaster taunt Cloud’s lovely peach ass. She traced the shape of her satin and lace back and forth with hungry eyes. Her body was covered in Scarlet’s sperm; jerking on the bed as she fucked him hard and called him every dirty name in the book. “I… I know I shouldn’t, but…” The last of the Elders masturbated shamefully as she watched the obscene preview of the new world being born. She was scheduled babe porn to have the implant tomorrow, so these would probably be the last clitoral orgasms she would ever have. Would she miss them? She didn’t look like it, if Scarlet’s happy reactions were any indication. Maybe if she cooperated and did everything the Shinra scientists asked of her, she would be able to return to her being with Cloud? It was possible? No, not likely. A woman like Scarlet didn’t share. Aerith would have to settle for a new children’s toy. She would be given someone to experiment on. Perhaps another SOLDIER? As long as she could dress him up nicely, Aerith would be happy. She could always think of Cloud as she fucked her new twink. Scarlet moaned in orgasm and plunged the balls of her cock deep into Cloud’s quivering pucker. Semen exploded from the seal of her shaft, spilling over her bottom and painting the bed with a thick, white sludge. The spiky haired vixen seemed to be in heaven, pushing her ass against her huge boner and milking more silky filth deep within her as she moaned with her tongue lolling. After draining her throbbing sac into the warm depths of her, Scarlet pulled his huge schlong free of her. A shimmering paste dripped from Cloud’s shrinking starfish like creamy cake batter. “I need another drink,” the thirsty Domina announced before leaving. Her giant meatball swung between her thighs, dripping residual seeds.ales. “Recording unit, focus on Cloud’s pussy!” The camera floated closer and zoomed in on Cloud’s oozing asshole. His fingers slid down and plunged into his huge boyish pussy where he met a large drop of cum on his hand. He pulled out the web of filth and brought it to his mouth. The recording unit followed his every move as he fed on the sweet and salty mixture. The submissive, sex-crazed femboy licked her hand as he gazed at the camera. Aerith’s digits began to encircle her pussy much faster. Her fingers slid over the hood of her clit with great frequency as her movements became frantic. She tore herself with dire need as her body overloaded with Cetra’s sinful desire. Every fiber of her being lit up with pleasure as her body convulsed on the dirty prison mattress, already wet with a layer of her syrupy fluids. “OHHHHHHH!! OHHHHHHH GODDDDDDD. 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